Two years ago, a young girl who had recently graduated from my school was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. She was popular at my school, and she was the captain of the volleyball team, so that year, the volleyball played a special game, where all the money that was made (from concessions and such) went to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
The girl watched the game from her computer, in her hospital room, with her best friend next to her. This was one of the last things she saw. She died a couple days later. An announcement over the PA told the whole school, and we had a moment of silence. A bench was put on school grounds, with a plaque, to remember the girl.
I was at the volley ball game, because the captains of my swim team had known the girl, when they were freshman, and her best friend was a swim team captain. Every year since then, we have a volley ball around this time to raise awareness, and donate money to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
A lot of people my age think that cancer is something that only old people can get, and it's not going to happen to them. Think again. I'm sure that girl didn't think she would die from ovarian cancer when she was a college sophomore.Go to to read the symptoms. They are not all so obvious. Feel free to make a donation or purchase something from their Marketplace. And remember, it whispers, so listen.
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