First, I want to give you guys a preview of what I'm doing this summer:
July 5 - 14 I'm doing a program at a university in New York.
Sometime later in July and in August I'm going to Romania (I'm Romanian by the way), but I'm not sure when.
Now, I thought I would do a sort of mini haul with some stuff I bought yesterday and today. It's pretty random, but I figured - why not?
Yesterday, I was hanging out in my town's center (or downtown, if you prefer), and waiting for a restaurant to start serving lunch, so I decide to browse a store. Unfortunately, I don't think I can tell you the name, because it's local. I bought this body wash, for $5:
It smells really floral, with a very subtle musky undertone, I think. I'm really bad at describing scents.
Then today, I went to Barnes & Nobles to pick up a book for summer reading. Because the senior classes at my school are basically electives, very few require summer reading. So the only book I had to get was for politics, and it is called Hardball: How Politics is Told - By One Who Knows the Game, and it's by Chris Matthews, who also has a tv show called Hardball on some news channel.
Then I went to the Paper Store, which I think is only in New England, but that's a fairly large area, so I doubt you'll be able to figure out where I live.
I got one of those Vera Bradley wristlets that everyone seems to have. It's like a wallet, but there's a spot for your phone, and it has a little clip, so you can attach your keys.
Last, I went to another local store and got a crossbody bag. I've been wanting one for sooooooo long, because I think it's really practical for the summer. I also liked the pattern.
So, that's it. Talk to you later!
I love the wallet!