
Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Digital Age

Okay, so I know I haven't posted in a while, but I swear, I have had nothing to blog about. But now I do.
See, last night, the keyboard on my laptop kinda broke. My dad ordered me a new one today, but it'll take ten days to get here. We ended up going to Staples and getting a temporary separate keyboard (you know, like a desktop one).
Anyway, I'm on my computer one, but today I had to think about what I would without a computer for ten days. My mom said I could use her computer for my school stuff, although the problem was, all my school documents are on my hard drive, which my dad was unable to remove. But what everything else?What would I do with my free time? What I could I do that didn't involve a computer. Well, earlier today, when I didn't have a keyboard, I tried knitting, and failed miserably.
My media studies teacher once asked my class if we thought we were addicted to the internet. Truth is, we're addicted to our computers. Not because we think it'll makes us cool, or anything, like other drugs, but because it's all we know. We don't know how to write an essay with pencil and paper. We don't know how entertain ourselves without electronics. But the thing is, it's not us, it's the world we live in.
Back in the 1800s, they didn't have internet, and they were fine, because they didn't know about it. We know about it, and it's just so convenient, it's hard not to use it.
So don't feel guilty if you're an internet addict, we can all have an IA meeting.

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